Bill Sardi Health Blog
More Nutrition, LessToxins: Does Your Multi Measure Up?
01-17-2025 by David Stouder
It would be safe to say the good health is something to which we all aspire. We have a huge health-care industry, pharmaceutical industry, endless books, studies, and YouTube videos devoted to helping us achieve a long and healthy life. This is not to imply that all of the above sources agree on what exactly should be done to reach this goal.
At present, about 50% of Americans are on at least one medication with a large percentage of this group being on more than one. People find this number alarming, but for very different reasons. Some wonder why half of us have not gotten the medical treatments that we need. Some wonder why half of us have given up on achieving good health and instead choose to manage symptoms and risk numbers with substances not without significant risks.
Although the following list changes a bit from time to time, Heart Disease is the #1 killer of Americans. Cancer is usually #2. Competing for #3 and #4 is Diabetes and OTC and prescription drugs, prescribed and taken properly (this does not include overdoses or mistakes). Let that sink in for a moment as we will return to this topic a bit later.
We can all look up statistics on the rising incidence of almost all of the major chronic diseases: Heart Disease, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Dementia, Arthritis, Depression/Anxiety, Parkinson’s, and on and on. How can we understand and manage all of the contributing factors of so many unwanted conditions? The answer to that question may be in the fact that the problem presented here may be a lot less complex, though no less alarming.
Author Raymond Francis posed a provocative question: “If all of your cells worked perfectly, could you be sick?” And while we can never achieve 100% cell function perfection, the answer to the question is “No. You could not be sick if every cell worked perfectly 100% of the time. So actually, there is only one disease: cell malfunction.
So why would a cell malfunction? There are really only two reasons: not enough nutrition and/or too many toxins. So if there is only one disease (cell malfunction) and only two causes (too little nutrition and too many toxins), then the solution to all health dysfunctions is improve your nutrition and reduce your toxins.
Calley and Casey Means Have written books and are appearing frequently on television and podcasts with a powerful message that dovetails seamlessly with Raymond Francis” brilliant insight. They make a convincing case that all of the diseases that we treat as separate conditions are all triggered by metabolic disruption caused by an overload of toxins. While it is unpleasant to consider, we are exposed to toxins from air and water pollution, industrial chemicals, processed foods, and agricultural chemicals and pesticides; to name but a few.
In an interview with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, he related a study involving In Vitro Fertilization outcomes. They divided the women into four groups: those who ate the most fruits and vegetables down to those who ate the least. Unexpectedly, the women who ate the most fruits and vegetables had the worst outcomes! This is not a misprint. The consumption of conventional produce was adding a significant toxic load and causing measurable disruption to the women’s biology.
Taking into account the role that pharmaceuticals have in managing a crisis, lessening symptoms, and manipulating risk numbers: they clearly fall into the category of toxins. Some may say that this assertion is extreme or unfounded. Considering the adverse effects of all pharmaceuticals and the aforementioned fact that they are regularly the third of fourth leading cause of death, I contend that the term is accurate.
The silver lining in this toxic rain cloud is that it gives us a simple and direct strategy for improving our heath. We need to increase our nutrition status and reduce our exposure to toxins as much as possible. With this in mind, let us consider the multi-vitamin supplement.
Since the main purpose of a multi-vitamin is to increase nutrition, it certainly fits into Step One (increase nutrition). However, it must be pointed out that the spectrum of nutrients offered, the potencies, and the quality of the raw materials make all the difference in what benefits you might expect. While many choices exist, it is hard to find a formula that better excels in the above three categories than The Molecular Multi by Lifespan Nutrition.
Even the least among your multi-vitamin choices offers “A-Zinc”. Don’t be misled by consumer reporting that give “drug store” multi-vitamins high rating based on label claim. A product providing 100% of the low potency and low-end raw materials is hardly something to brag about. You’ll find that The Molecular Multi offers cutting-edge, highly absorbed forms of every nutrient in the formula. This product can be easily tailored to fit your individual needs by taking one to four capsules daily.
While The Molecular Multi shines when it comes to the “better nutrition” part of our two-step approach to increasing healthspan, what about reducing toxins? Our bodies rely upon many detoxification pathways (Liver, Kidney, Bowel, Lymph, Sweat, Blood, etc.) and all of our basic vitamins and minerals support these pathways to some degree. The Molecular Multi include an impressive array of unique molecules not found in most multi-vitamins, many of which are detox superstars.
Here is a partial list with scientific references:
- IP-6 :
- Beta Glucan :
- Quercetin :
- Taurine :
- Resveratrol :
- Nucleotides :
- NADH :
- Rosemary :
- Pomegranate :
You can view The Molecular Multi label here and see for yourself. The page also has a link to a Buy 3 and Get 1 Free Special.
The “More Nutrition/ Less Toxins” strategy provides a simple yet powerful focus for anyone seeking vibrant health. The Molecular Multi isn’t the only thing we need to do in this regard, but it is certainly a powerful step forward!