Bill Sardi Health Blog
Modern Medicine Slams Door On Multivitamins While USDA Report Concludes: Nearly Entire US Population Over-Consumes Foods With Empty Calories
09-05-2018 by Bill Sardi
While health authorities continue to maintain a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to get needed nutrients and normal, healthy adults who are receiving recommended daily intake of nutrients can do without multivitamins, a published report issued by the US Department of Agriculture concludes “nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet with fewer vegetables and whole grains than recommended and a large majority under-consume fruits.” The survey reveals a “pervasive overconsumption of nutrient-poor energy sources that represent empty calories.”
Over 90% of women age 19-30 had usual intakes below recommendations for 8 food groups. Ubiquitous over-consumption of solid fats, added sugars and alcoholic beverages were evident among adults age 71 years and older.
The American population is “is deriving a large portion of solid fats, added sugar and salt from sugar—sweetened beverages and grain desserts (cookies, cakes, etc.), that demands “individual and environmental-level interventions to facilitate healthier dietary intake patterns,” whatever that means.
When the American Dietetic Association undertook a computerized analysis of 70 diets, all of the diets fell short of the Recommended 100% RDA micronutrients level from food alone.
“Without interventions, the diets of most US adults and child will continue to be markedly divergent from recommendations, a worrisome state in the context of the obesity epidemic and alarming rates of other diet-related chronic diseases.”
Fruit Vegetables Dark- Green Vegetables Whole Grains Meat & Beans 79.6% 88.7% 96.1% 99.3% 48.5% A recent study reveals dietary supplement are more effective than dietary advice at improving the quality of life in malnourished care home residents. Skip the dietary counseling and nutrient blood testing and encourage multivitamins for nursing home residents.
The intervention Americans should put into practice is the selection of a comprehensive multivitamin – the antidote to “high calorie malnutrition.”