Bill Sardi Health Blog
Critical Care Nurses Fight Back Tears As Hospital Patients At Death’s Door Are Miraculously Being Rescued By Vitamin Therapy
07-29-2019 by Bill Sardi
It’s worth clicking through to look at Dr. Paul Merik as he speaks at about saving thousands of lives with vitamin C therapy and see the medical student in the background wiping back her tears….. For the first time, after hundreds of failed drug trials, patients are rapidly recovering from blood poisoning (aka sepsis) and leaving the hospital three days later. And this discovery doesn’t come from Johns Hopkins Medical Center, Harvard Medical School or the Mayo Clinic. How about Eastern Virginia Medical School!
Click to hear a nurse speak: “We would just go day and after day, they (the patients) just weren’t getting any better… it (vitamin therapy) just seemed too simple…. We thought it had to be a fluke, but we had patients getting better. Patients were turning around quickly, within 12 hours. They would be at death’s door, and 12 hours later they were 50% better… we have seen patients walk out of here that we didn’t think would leave alive. I have goose bumps now.”
“This is quite miraculous….patients who are at death’s door,
it (vitamin therapy) turns it around and are better in hours…
it is so safe, you have nothing to lose…”
— Paul Merik MDSepsis is the leading cause of death in US hospitals. The incidence of sepsis is rising by 8% per year. More people die of sepsis than from prostate and breast cancer and AIDS combined.
Sepsis strikes 1 million Americans a year and kills 700 a day. Dr. Merik’s vitamin protocol showed startling results: only 8.5% of patients in the vitamin treatment group succumbed to sepsis were 40.4% among patients not receiving vitamin therapy. The study was published in the Chest Journal.
When a miracle is incredulous
Modern medicine is standing on the sidelines in disbelief, watching a miracle in progress but still remains unconvinced. Skeptics demand a placebo-controlled study, as if half-dead patients with near-zero blood pressure have some “placebo effect” (it’s all in their mind). (There is no such thing as “placebo effect” anyway. Placebo effect has been utilized so cunningly to dismiss vitamin therapy.
So, modern medicine is going to conduct a trial and let half of critical care patients be treated blindly (neither doctor or patient will know which patients got the vitamin therapy and which ones didn’t). All the patients will receive standard medications and antibiotics that have already been proven to be ineffective. Some would call this unethical, but it is the fallacious reasoning that governs what physicians call “evidenced-based medicine.”
Enter the ongoing drama that is being called a miracle. The triple therapy of intravenous vitamin C, cortisone and vitamin B1 has been adopted at Norfolk General Hospital (Virginia).
“We haven’t seen a patient die of sepsis since we began using the combination therapy a year ago,” Dr. Marik says.
“We have completely changed the natural history of sepsis.”
—Paul Marik MDVitamin therapy sneaks into modern medicine via social media
Dr. Merik’s vitamin therapy snuck out of the closet that vitamin therapy has been placed in for decades via the internet. It was social media that carried the news of this breakthrough that “spread like wildfire” says a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Some doctors began treating their near-death patients based upon what would be called hear-say evidence in a court law.
A large clinical trial is ready to begin. Dr. Merik was excluded from the study: “They did not want me to be involved because they thought that I would either telepathically or by some other means interfere with the conduct and the results of their study,” says Dr. Merik.
Changing the culture of modern medicine
“We would call it a miracle cure,” says Craig Coopersmith MD, a critical care surgeon at Emory University, Atlanta. But it is a far greater development than that culturally.
Modern medicine has slammed the door on nutritional medicine and prevention, having financial incentives to allow disease to occur and treatment to be performed with subsequent billing of insurance carriers. This treatment not only saves lives and shortens hospital stay, it would take billions ($27 billion estimated) out of the pockets of hospitals.
Sepsis can be prevented, not just treated
With vitamin C deficiency being both a contributor and a consequence of severe illness, inexplicably it has been absent in the armamentarium physicians utilize to treat critical care patients.
The prevalence of sepsis (blood poisoning) speaks for a broader deficiency of vitamin C in the population at large.
Prevalence of vitamin C deficiency
Only 1.9% and 2.1% of females and males who use dietary supplements are vitamin C deficient; 11.2% and 15.5% of US females and males who are non-supplement users are deficient.
An estimated 21 million Americans have frank vitamin C deficiency and another 66 million may develop vitamin C deficiency depending on their health habits and disease status with less than 30 million Americans achieving optimal vitamin C levels (2009 data).
More than vitamin C
Vitamin C doesn’t work alone. Dr. Tom Levy, MD, author of CURING THE INCURABLE, says cortisone assists vitamin C to get into cells and stabilize cell walls. Thiamine increases cell energy and transport of oxygen, critical for health maintenance.
How many Americans are both vitamin C and thiamine deficient is unknown but they would be at greatest risk for a small infection to become septic and threaten life.
Spend billions on prevention rather than treatment
So far, physicians advise early diagnosis and treatment, but not prevention, that is, keeping sepsis from occurring in the first place. Instead of paying $27 billion for treatment maybe Americans ought to be spending $27 billion for preventive vitamin therapy, which is close to the entire current annual sales of dietary supplements ($32 billion).
The illogic of modern medicine
The illogic to wait for further evidence when there are no side effects, very little cost and no effective alternative treatments bespeaks of modern medicine’s culture of death.
One physician commenting in the Journal of the American Medical Association says “we are truly not evidence-based as we claim.” But when was the practice of medicine ever based upon science? In modern times it has been based upon which treatments reimburse the most money. For example, statin drugs don’t prevent mortal heart attacks as widely claimed by cardiologists. No single drug normalizes blood pressure. There is no cure for cancer.
Penicillin, insulin, digoxin, aspirin and nitroglycerin came into common use without placebo controlled clinical trials. Their effectiveness was obvious. In fact, vitamin C was initially proven to prevent symptoms of scurvy in 1753 based upon a study of only 12 sailors.
Nearly half of all medical procedures are unsupported by scientific evidence.
A newly published analysis in the Annals of Intensive Care involving a dozen human clinical trials involving 1210 critical care patients reveals 3-10 gram/day doses of intravenous vitamin C strikingly reduces mortality risk in critical care patients by 75%!
Needless death
There are approximately 4 million ICU admissions per year in the United States with average mortality rate reported ranging from 8-19%, or about 500,000 deaths annually.
It is obvious needless death is occurring among critical care patients. In one study involving a total of 698 patients, deaths were considered unexpected and anticipated in 225 (32%) and 473 (68%) cases respectively. Maybe vitamin C therapy should be expanded to all critical care patients, not just sepsis patients.
The human predicament
Dr. Marik notes that animals make vitamin C but humans don’t. “When animals are stressed their vitamin C levels increase. When humans acquire an infection their levels of vitamin C become undetectable.” At that critical point patients must have continuous vitamin C infusions directly into veins, he says. Marik says intravenous vitamin C therapy for sepsis is “reproducible time and time again.”
Biochemist Irwin Stone once estimated humans would have to consume 1800 to 4000 milligrams of vitamin C to replicate what animals internally produce. But less than 50% is absorbed or makes it past the liver (bioavailability) at these doses and it is rapidly excreted, within 30 minutes. Furthermore, oral vitamin C can’t be taken at night when most healing takes place.
Maximum bioavailability of oral vitamin C is usually attained at lower doses and declines with the elevation of oral supplements: 87% for 30 mg, 80% for 100 mg, 72% for 200 mg, 63% for 500 mg and less than 50% for 1250 milligrams.
An attempt is being made (by this author) to restore continual internal vitamin C synthesis in humans. A pilot study shows a molecule extracted from olives may override a broken gene in the liver and facilitate on demand 24/7, like animals do. This may have application to prevent recurrence of sepsis and readmission to the hospital that occurs in ~17% of patients.