Lifespan Nutrition

Bill Sardi Health Blog


    That’s a problem you can fix (finally!). 

    Here’s how to hold onto the money in your wallet and stay healthy.

    New product:

    Bottle: MASON natural Vitamin C


    Economical Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) Now Available From LIFESPAN NUTRITION

    You’ll love the price: 1 bottle: $9.95 (9.9-cents per tablet) for 100 tablets.

    BUY 3 BOTTLES GET 1 FREE$29.85 ($7.46/bottle or just 7.5-cents per tablet)

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  • Modern Medicine Slams Door On Multivitamins While USDA Report Concludes: Nearly Entire US Population Over-Consumes Foods With Empty Calories

    While health authorities continue to maintain a well-balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables is the best way to get needed nutrients and normal, healthy adults who are receiving recommended daily intake of nutrients can do without multivitamins, a published report issued by the US Department of Agriculture concludes “nearly the entire U.S. population consumes a diet with fewer vegetables and whole grains than recommended and a large majority under-consume fruits.”  The survey reveals a “pervasive overconsumption of nutrient-poor energy sources that represent empty calories.”

    Over 90% of women age 19-30 had usual intakes below recommendations for 8 food groups.  Ubiquitous over-consumption of solid fats, added sugars and alcoholic beverages were evident among adults age 71 years and older.

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  • Dietary Supplements Under Attack Again

    Rebuttal to:

    The vitamin epidemic: what is the evidence for harm or value?
    Internal Medicine Journal August 7, 2018


    Here we go again.  Another physician says there “no case for vitamin supplementation in normal, healthy, non-pregnant or lactating adults who are received the recommended daily intake of nutrients.”

    Here is my comment on each one of his criticisms of dietary supplementation.

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  • The Baking Soda Cure-All Redux

    It tastes salty.  It is in your kitchen.  And it’s dirt cheap.  And it’s threatening Big Pharma?  What is it?

    Just tell your doctor: “Hold the steroid shots, anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers.  I’ll take a quarter teaspoon of baking soda straight up with water.” Could Big Pharma be brought to its knees by sodium bicarbonate pills?

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    La Verne, CA (July 28, 2018)- Lifespan Nutrition introduces “FIRST IN CLASS™”, the first multivitamin for kids that includes ample amounts of key nutrients to help address the growing problem of nut allergy.*

    Published reports point to a shortage of vitamins A, vitamin D and IP6 bran factor as missing nutrients in the prevalent problem of nut allergy in children says Bill Sardi, product formulator.

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    La Verne, CA- (July 28, 2018) A daily dose of baking soda is being heralded as a practice that just may benefit every health seeker who desires to live free of chronic inflammation.

    Aging is characterized by chronic low-grade inflammation throughout the body.  Medical investigators have demonstrated the body’s immune system over-responds by sending legions of white blood cells called macrophages to the site of infection, malignancy or trauma.  It’s kind of like an auto accident at Fifth and Main Street where 50,000 police cars show up rather just a squad car or two.

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  • COMING SOON: NEW First-in-Class™ Multivitamin for Kids Provides Nutrients that Desensitize for Nut Allergy*

    Lifespan Nutrition introduces “FIRST IN CLASS™”, the first multivitamin for kids that includes ample amounts of key nutrients to help address the growing problem of nut allergy.*

    Published reports point to a shortage of vitamins A, vitamin D and IP6 bran factor as missing nutrients in the growing problem of nut allergy in children says Bill Sardi, product formulator.

    The dietary answer is to get kids to eat more vitamin A-rich butter or eat more carrots that provide beta carotene which converts to vitamin A, and to eat more fiber-rich grains that provide bran instead of white bread, and to spend more time outdoors in midday sun to get sufficient amounts of sunshine vitamin D.   But this can be challenging for parents.  Kids are often picky about the foods they eat.  Pizza, macaroni and French fries are consumed and everything else is left on the plate.   This is where a well-designed multivitamin comes in, says Sardi.

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  • Don’t say dietary supplements don’t work

    I’m of cataract age (in my early 70s).  (cataract = cloudy focusing lens)

    I’ve got clear lenses, no glaucoma (elevated fluid pressure); no other eye conditions typical for my age.

    My retina scans you can see below.

    My central retinal thickness is 255-256 right and left eye micrometers, about normal.

    It would be typical for a 70+ year old to have drusen (oxysterol aka cholesterol) deposits at the back of my eyes.  The scan below shows zero drusen.

    My optic nerve and blood vessels are healthy.

    I have habitually worn UV-blue-blocking sun lenses when outdoors during the day since age 40.

    I have been supplementing my diet with lutein since 1992 when lutein first became available as a dietary supplement.

    I take resveratrol since 2004 when it was popularized as an anti-aging molecule.

    I have taken IP6 rice bran, an iron chelator, since the mid 1990s.

    My vision is 20/30 in both eyes and I needed a prescription for astigmatism (irregular curvature of the front cornea of the eyes).

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  • Does Your Multivitamin Provide Nutrients That Boost Natural Killer Cell Activity To Optimize Your Immune System?

    Modern medicine has a proposition for you. Here it is:

    Grow old, wait for your immune system to decline, develop pneumonia, cancer and all manner of viral infections, then let modern medicine step in and rescue you from life-threatening health problems.

    With that in mind, modern medicine is ramping up efforts to utilize a subset of white blood cells known as natural killer (NK) cells primarily to kill cancer cells. Natural killer cells release a toxic chemical called interferon to destroy tumor cells.

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  • Enough Is Enough

    Balz Frei, PhD; Bruce N. Ames, PhD; Jerey B. Blumberg, PhD; Walter C. Willett, MD, DrPH


    Guallar and colleagues (1) conclude that “the case is closed – supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful.” However, they ignore decades o nutrition research and diet monitoring o the U.S. population to reach this misleading conclusion.

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